(Updated January 2025)
Conducting virtual performance reviews on top of the stressors of the coronavirus and remote work is simply put, a lot. According to the Washington Post, a survey of over 300 employers by McKinsey & Co. shows unsurprisingly that 30% of companies are adapting their performance evaluations in response to challenges created by the virus, while 5% are cancelling them all together.
Another survey by Aon of 1,330 HR representatives found 47 percent had made changes to their employee’s performance goals, or were considering making changes. As every working professional is now accustom to such changes, performance reviews are just one more traditional office function that will need adjusting.
That’s why we wrote this post to examine the other side of the coin on evaluating your employee’s work this year. Depending on how they are approached, virtual performance reviews can have a positive impact on reinforcing your organization’s culture and values.
If you’re a manager, simply saying “performance reviews” is likely to make your team cringe. Everyone has a certain level of apprehension when it comes to their boss analyzing their work over an entire year. However, people want to be successful and constructive feedback is invaluable for forwarding personal growth and success.
In an article highlighting stats about feedback, LinkedIn noted that 60% of people from one study wanted feedback on a daily or weekly basis. For those under age 30, 72% wanted more frequent feedback. And that’s all a performance review is right? They are an opportunity to deliver constructive feedback, align goals, and have a conversation about areas an employee excelled and areas where they could improve.
As an unforeseen impact, the increased check-ins and communications as a result of remote work have already led to greater alignment for many companies. Post-covid remote work has made businesses, regardless of their size, refocus on their values to craft a more flexible, productive future. In this way, virtual performance reviews can still be relevant to meet people where they are. Consider using reviews to gain an understanding of how to help your people do their best work despite the circumstances.
When planning virtual performance reviews, remember one size does not fit all. Show compassion, and come from a place of knowing that everyone has had to take on additional responsibilities that no one could have predicted. People have reacted differently to working remotely, and those feelings have also changed as time goes on. In short, checking in on a personal level matters, and your employees won’t forget it.
On that note, virtual performance reviews can actually ease some of the anxiety of an in-person meeting where someone can’t glance at their notes or can be seen wringing their hands. If designed with intention, virtual performance reviews can give people a better chance to prepare and have a productive conversation.
Here at BWBacon Group, we know and live what you are experiencing as an employer or job seeker in Denver, Boulder, Dallas, San Francisco, New York City or any of the other cities we work in. We believe great recruiting starts and ends with understanding people.
If you have any questions about living, working or playing any of the areas we serve, please contact us. We are happy to help. Seize the day, every day, that’s what we say!