
When To Add Contract Recruiters Into The Tech Team Building Approach

Posted on May 16, 2019 by BWBacon.

Ok, bear with us for a minute. We know this post could come off as very "salesy" considering we are a recruiting partner. We are also well aware that there are certain times where contract recruiters are less valuable or even redundant. Fear not, we are trying to help set baseline criteria for when the […]

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4 Tech/Software Careers In Colorado That Are Unique To The State

Posted on May 13, 2019 by BWBacon.

Colorado is known for many incredible and unique things. The word "Colorado" is a Spanish adjective for "colored red" and was given to the Rio Colorado by early settlers because of the reddish water. The water was red because of the vast expanses of red sandstone that make up the Rockies. We boast the […]

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Successfully Nurturing Talent In The Competitive Colorado Tech Market

Posted on May 11, 2019 by BWBacon.

It's odd how little you hear about the candidate pipeline in startup conversations, some of our readers might not even know what that means. Startups and SMB's alike are obsessed with new customers and sales growth projections, but many lose sight of the true foundation of all great business which is […]

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8 Local Sources for Denver Tech Jobs and Company Information

Posted on May 8, 2019 by BWBacon.

Finding the best career opportunity in Denver, Boulder, or anywhere in the Colorado Front Range can be tricky. For many companies in Colorado, the approach to team building is primarily community-centric, so being new here, recently unemployed, or looking to move here can feel like you are on the […]

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Your Tech Recruiter Should Be A Partner, Not A Vendor

Posted on May 1, 2019 by BWBacon.

(Updated February 2025)

Sourcing talent in the tech industry is particularly hard. Sourcing GREAT tech talent is getting harder by the day. Keeping a candidate pipeline full is frequently listed as one of the most difficult tasks for leadership at any tech company. The competition for great talent, […]

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