Posted on December
2021 by Bailey Crumpton.
(Updated Feb 2025)
Whether your company has been around two years or twenty, there’s always merit in redefining vision and where you are headed. Creating a clear vision jumpstarts growth and reinforces to your employees that the company they work for has forward-facing ideas and a roadmap to get there.
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Posted on November
2021 by Bailey Crumpton.
(Updated July 2024)
Effort towards creating greater equity in recruiting have certainly increased in recent years, but there is still work to be done. As it’s been proven, diverse teams, meaning people of different backgrounds, sexual orientations, ethnicities, religions, ages, and genders, are […]
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Posted on November
2021 by Bailey Crumpton.
If you had to summarize marketing and content sharing before social media, how would you describe it? Pre-social, most marketing efforts were focused on email and physical print ad placement in newsletters and magazines. The development of technology has entirely changed the ways consumers gather […]
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Posted on October
2021 by Bailey Crumpton.
PTO can be a challenging and often complex aspect of benefits that all companies must manage. Particularly during the pandemic, most employees have not been taking enough time off, regardless of policies, and this is due to a variety of reasons. We’re here to talk about the ongoing disconnect between […]
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Posted on October
2021 by Bailey Crumpton.
We often take for granted the major advantages of living in the information age. For hundreds of years of human history, the ability to gleam new information or make discoveries was slow, difficult, and often only accessible by certain people. Since the expansion of technology, the rise of smartphones, […]
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